
5 on the fly: plastic-free July

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by Sarah Halfpenny

Plastic Free July is a global movement encouraging individuals and communities to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. Transitioning to a plastic-free lifestyle doesn’t have to happen overnight. By making small changes in our daily routines, we can collectively have a significant impact. Here are five simple ways to make the switch from single-use plastics during Plastic Free July…

  1. Mason Jars

Instead of relying on plastic containers for storing food or beverages, jump on the mason jar bandwagon. These versatile glass jars are not only charming but also practical. Use them for packing your lunch, storing leftovers, or sipping your favourite beverages. Mason jars are eco-friendly and add a touch of rustic charm to your everyday routine.

  1. Beeswax Wrap

Say goodbye to plastic wrap and hello to beeswax wrap. This innovative and sustainable alternative is made from organic cotton infused with beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin. It’s pliable, reusable, and can be used to wrap sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables, or cover bowls. Beeswax wrap keeps your food fresh and eliminates the need for disposable plastic wraps.

  1. Bamboo Toothbrushes

Shake up your dental routine by switching to these eco-friendly brushes with biodegradable handles made from sustainable bamboo. They come in various funky colours and are just as effective at keeping your pearly whites clean.

  1. Edible Cutlery

Tired of plastic spoons ending up in landfill? Switch to edible cutlery! Made from nutritious ingredients like sorghum, rice, or wheat, these edible utensils come in various flavours and are sturdy enough to handle your meals. After use, you can either eat them or compost them guilt-free.

  1. Eco Jewellery

Turn plastic waste into fashion statements by supporting artisans who create unique jewellery from recycled materials. Choose accessories made from upcycled plastic bottles, discarded CDs, or even ocean plastics. Each piece becomes a symbol of your commitment to sustainability and a conversation starter about reducing plastic waste and make excellent, unique gifts.

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