
$17.8 billion in lost super

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Even if you’re retired you could still have lost super

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is encouraging more Australians to search for lost and unclaimed super, with new data showing almost $17.8 billion is waiting to be claimed.

Since 2021 the ATO has reunited or paid out almost $6.4 billion and has created a short guide to help more people find and claim their super.

If you’ve ever changed your name, your job or your super fund, you could have lost super — even if you’ve already retired. The ATO is holding more than $471 million on behalf of people aged 65 or over.

For more information visit Searching for lost super.

 Finding lost super

There are 3 ways you can find lost super:

  1. Search on ATO online services through myGov – for most people it will only take a few minutes. To access ATO online services, you need a myGov account linked to the ATO. Once you link your myGov account, you can also use the ATO app.

Log on to ATO online services through myGov. From the top menu, select Super. Then select either:

  • Fund detailsto check for lost super – if you want to keep your super with the same fund, contact them directly to update your details.
  • Manageand then Transfer super to transfer this lost super to an eligible super account – or ask your fund to complete the transfer for you.
  • Manageand then Transfer super to transfer ATO held super to an eligible super account.

Manage and then Withdraw ATO-held super to have your super paid directly to you if the amount is less than $200 or you are over 65.

  1. Complete a paper form.
  2. Phone the ATO lost super search line on 13 28 65. You will need to provide your tax file number and super fund details.

Trouble finding lost super?

If you think you have lost super but can’t see it on ATO online, the ATO may not have all your details. You should contact your super fund to check your member number, the amount of lost super and when your fund transferred it, then contact the ATO.

Preventing lost super

To prevent lost super, it’s important you keep track of your super and keep your contact details and tax file number (TFN) up to date on ATO online and with your super fund.

Accessing super

Generally, you can access your super when you reach age 60 and retire, under transition to retirement rules, or when you reach age 65 even if you’re still working.

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