
Be the Spark for this year’s Include a Charity Week

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Include a Charity wants to ignite a nationwide conversation during Include a Charity Week about Gifts in wills and planned giving to promote lasting impact and change

Sydney, AustraliaInclude a Charity Week is a social change campaign calling upon Australians to pledge a gift in their Will.

Every year, through the initial week of September (2-8 September), more than 100 charities nationwide unite for Include a Charity Week. This collective effort spotlights the significance of incorporating charitable gifts when writing a Will, while motivating individuals to establish their own Will.

The theme for this year, “Be the Spark“, reinforces the idea of the continuing and inherent potential and future-proofing act of leaving a charitable gift in your Will. It is a wonderful, hopeful, and selfless gesture. The theme also underscores the notion that leaving a gift in your Will is a spark of generosity, illuminating the darkness that surrounds so many lives and which continues beyond our lifetime.

Speaking on the initiative, Helen Beeby, Campaign Director, Include a Charity (IAC), says: “As humans, we are driven by the desire to leave a legacy—a meaningful imprint that continues beyond our lifetime, inspiring future generations. Gifts in Wills account for 25% of all fundraising revenue in Australia and Include a Charity research indicates the annual figure to be about $1.6 billion. This shows how many people made this important commitment, and we want it to become the norm for everybody. Including a gift in your Will signifies your dedication to causes that hold personal significance: whether it’s advancing medical research, nurturing the arts, protecting animals, aiding vulnerable communities, or preserving the environment. It celebrates life and catalyses social change and charitable support.”

Spearheaded by parent organisation, Fundraising Institute Australia, the Include a Charity campaign is aligned with international legacy promotions and activities worldwide. It has a phenomenal impact on charities, non-profits, and the causes they work so hard to support.

During this year’s event, Dave Smith, a distinguished expert in Gift in Wills and planned giving, founder of Heaton Smith Australia, part of Heaton Smith Group, USA will lead a series of in-person and virtual events for fundraisers across Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, and Melbourne. These events will explore the future of Gift in Wills fundraising, analysing the impact of demographic shifts, technological advancements, and evolving marketing strategies in the sector. Through interactive workshops and informative presentations, Smith aims to steer charities and their programs toward the next phase of gifts in Wills fundraising, with a specific focus on engaging the upcoming generation of donors and different options in gift planning. Dave will also highlight the critical role of gift planning in addressing donor needs through collaboration and innovation. He will further delve into the legal and wealth advisor’s role in philanthropy, focusing on key client questions and showcasing impactful case studies of blended gifts.

He stated, “I am honoured to engage with the Australian philanthropic community during Include a Charity Week, highlighting the transformative potential of Gifts in Wills giving. This event is a pivotal opportunity to examine how strategic planning and innovative charitable giving can ensure sustained support for vital causes. The inter-generational wealth transfer from the baby boomer and the silent generations present unique philanthropic planning possibilities for donors and nonprofit organisations, alike.  Together, we can aim to navigate the complexities of today’s world and empower future generations to continue making a positive impact through their charitable legacies.”

Australian charities participating in the campaign span diverse causes including medical research, education, animal welfare, environmental conservation, the arts, and more. Include a Charity and the FIA advocate for leaving a Gift in Will, aiming to normalise this practice over time across a wider population, not just a select few.

For more information on Include a Charity Week, visit

About Include a Charity 

Established in 2011, Include a Charity Week is the annual campaign supported by nearly 100 charities across Australia to raise the profile of charitable Gifts in Wills and provide an opportunity for supporter charities to convey their importance to the public. The campaign aligns with international legacy weeks across Europe.

Include a Charity is a collaboration of many of Australia’s favourite charities, covering numerous causes, including health and medical research, humanitarian work, education, animal welfare, the environment, the arts and more. Under the umbrella of the Fundraising Institute of Australia, the goal of the Include a Charity campaign is to encourage more people to leave a Gift in their Will, increasing the funds invested in the charitable sector and thereby increasing the positive impact these organisations have on our society. More information at  ld consider including a GiW, and 16% said ‘definitely or probably’ to leaving a GiW. If only 5% of those converted, it would add $12 billion in gifts to charitable organisations.



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